داستان آبیدیک

food matrix


1 کشاورزی:: ماتریکس غذایی

These are the two characteristics of aroma compounds that enable their extraction from the food matrix (Reineccius, 2006). Extraction techniques usu- ally rely on the separation of the volatile aroma compounds from the non-volatile matrix and water, because, with a few exceptions, the aroma represents less than 1% of the food matrix (Teranishi and Kint, 1993). The relative impor- tance of each parameter varies with each food matrix and is dependent on the aroma When a food matrix is placed in the mouth it may hydrate or dissolve in the saliva and aroma compounds will partition into the gas phase within the oral cavity. Modification of structure, for example, through different extrusion processes in snack foods, can lead to changes in aroma delivery through alteration of oral proces- sing parameters (King and Duineveld, 2000) although differences may also be driven by other factors, including quality of seasoning adhesion, location of aroma com- pounds (surface vs. body) and oral hydration rate of aroma carrier materials relative to the snack food matrix.

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